
Sunday, 16 December 2012

Cold aggregate feed system

I hop you know very well about drum mix asphalt plants which consist various types of components in which Cold aggregate feed system also exists. Then what is cold aggregate feed system? Yes it is essential to feed these mixers with accurate proportions of aggregate sizes. Multi compartiment bin feeder system ensures this accuracy. Number of bin hoppers vary on the requirement of asphalt mix specifications, however 3 to 5 bin systems are common. Each bin hopper is loaded with a specific size of aggregate which is discharged on the collecting conveyor. These bin hoppers are mounted on a rigid frame. In a mobile plant these are mounted on a robust chassis and are fitted with pneumatic tyres.

Cold aggregate feed system

Each bin has independent belt feeder under it driven by independent and mutually synchronized variable speed electric motors. Each bin hopper is fitted with precision adjustable quadrant gates. With the variable speed electric motors fitted with technogenerator, belt speed can be accurately varied to regulate the rate of aggregate flow from the bin. When discharge rate of each aggregate is required to be controlled by weight, weighing system is provided on each belt conveyor to indicate the weight in T.P.H. (tons per hour) on gauges in the operator's cabin is provided. Synchronized variable speed motor is provided to increase or decrease the aggregate flow in same proportion from each bin in order to increase or decrease the production of mix. Smallest size aggregate hopper is fitted with anti logging electromechanical vibrator on one of the side plates to maintain continuous flow of material.

Filler is accurately proportioned by screw conveyor with variable speed motor, from a bulk storage silo or bag filled arrangements. Filler is fed on to the collecting (or some times called gathering) conveyor (described in the following paragraph) after the sand but before the stone aggregate, thereby securing the filler within a feed "sandwich". Filler may be mineral dust, lime or cement. Sometimes these are directly fed into the mixing zone of the dryer drum.

Gathering conveyor collects the discharge from each of the independent belt conveyor and is equipped with electronic weigh bridge and a suitable size electric motor. The weight of the aggregate in T.P.H. is indicated in the cabin.

Belt weigher is fitted with each of the conveyor belt to record the weight of the aggregate in T.P.H. passing over it. In volume control system, belt weigher is provided with gathering conveyor to know the production rate of mix from the plant. Wherever control of aggregate is by weight, belt weighers are provided with each of the belt peeder and also with gathering conveyor. The belt weight constantly monitors the materials feed rate. A signal from the belt weigher is transmitted to the plant control system so that adjustments can be automatically effected.

Scalping screen: Feed material entering the drum mixer is required to be accurately sized, so where there is the possibility of oversize material or unwanted elements contaminating the feed aggregate, a seelping screen is installed between the cold feed gathering conveyor and the weigh conveyor which is discharging into the drum mixer.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Drum mix asphalt plants

Drum mix asphalt plants are becoming more and more popular because, initial capital investment cost of these plants is less than that of conventional batch, type asphalt mix plants, and running costs are also greatly reduced due to fewer moving and wearing parts.

Drum mix asphalt plants

These plants consist of following main components:
1. Cold aggregate feeder with mineral filler supply system.
2. Dryer and mixing unit with Dust collection system.
3. Bitumen storage, heating and delivery system.
4. Mix storage unit.
5. Operator cabin and controls.

How to achieve long life of under carriage

I hop you know very well about under carriage. Now you can see the following are the few tips which help in getting long life of under carriage as given below:

under carriage

1. Try to avoid unnecessary high speed operation.

2. Try to avoid sharp and pivot turn.

3. Try to avoid reverse direction travelling.

4. Try to avoid loading only on one side for long period of time.

 5. Try to avoid track shoe slip under undue load.

6. Try to avoid riding over big boulders.

7. Try to avoid leaving a machine stopped on slant.

8. Try to avoid turning machine only in one direction.

9. Try to follow maintenance schedule as recommended by manufacturer.

Under carriage construction

During operation, the under carriage components are subject to high impact load, severe wear condition due to riding over metal to metal, working in mud, hard gravel and hard stone. In order to meet this requirement, undercarriage components are manufactured with wear resistant materials.

Under carriage

An under carriage unit consist of:
1. Track frame
2. Equaliser bar
3. Sprocket
4. Front idler
5. Track rollers
6. Carrier rollers
7. Track chain assembly
8. Guards

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Civil Engineer and Building Construction

Civil Engineer and Building Construction

A good civil engineer is having very big relationship with building construction. Come, first of all we talk about the term building. The dictionary meaning of building is very simple. It simply indicates anything that is built with walls and a roof. The term building in civil engineering parlance is used to mean a structure having various components like foundations, walls, columns, floors, roofs, doors, windows, ventilators, stairs, lifts, various types of surface finishes, etc. As a civil engineer is mainly concerned with the construction of buildings, it is essential for him/her to acquire good knowledge of construction of various components of a building.

The society requires the building for its various activities and accordingly, the buildings can be grouped for convenience as follows:

1. Business buildings like offices, courts, shops, banks etc.

2. Worship buildings like churches, temples, mosques etc.

3. Residential buildings such as flats, row houses, bungalows etc.

4. Recreation buildings like theaters, town halls, cinemas etc..

5. Health building like hospitals, nursing homes etc.

6. Educational buildings like schools, colleges, universities etc.

7. Storages buildings like godowns, warehouses etc.

8. Industrial buildings like factories, laboratories, workshop etc.

As far as the construction of any building is concerned, the procedures laid down for its various components are more or less the same and the engineer has to select the appropriate method for the type of building to be constructed.

Run off

Run off

Maximum persons are having idea about the run off. If you know just share your knowledge here or add this knowledge in your mind about it. Run off means the draining or flowing off of precipitation from a catchments area through a surface channel. It thus represents the output from the catchment in a given unit of time. Consider a catchment area receiving precipitation. For a given precipitation, the evapotranspiration, initial loss, infiltration and detentions storage requirement will have to be first satisfied before the commencement of runoff.

Air Transport System

Air Transport System

In the world various types of transport systems are there as per condition. But mainly three types of transport systems can be considered. The three types of transport named as land transport, water transport and air transport. Due to non-availability of water source in sufficiently only land and air transport is applicable. In spite of above transport there is one more means of transport named as railway transport. But in all transports air transport is most quick with respect to time. By using the air transport we can get so many benefit. We can tell those benefits as advantage of the air transport. The advantages of air transport are given as below:

1. Accessibility.
2. Continuous
3. Demand for technical skill
4. Emergency use
5. Engineering use.

In engineering technology generation whatever we use a few disadvantages may be there. In the same way, whenever we are using the air transport few disadvantages occur because the air transport is also the result of engineering technology. In air transport a few disadvantages are there which are given as below:

1. Flight rules
2. Operating expanses
3. Safety
4. Weather condition

But the engineering care always tries to provide the best technology where more and more advantages will be there and very very less disadvantages so that the people can enjoy their life with safety and cure. So we can use the air transport without any hesitation with all rules and regulation.

Classification of Surveying

Classification of Surveying

You know very well about surveying and its principles. Right now you can know about its various types (or classification). Surveying may be classified as given below:

1. Classification based on curvature of earth
a) Plane Survey (If area<260 sqkm)
b) Geodetic Survey

2. Classification based on nature of the field
a) Land Survey
b) Cadastral Survey
c) Astronomical Survey

3. Classification based on purpose of the survey
a) Engineering Survey
b) Military Survey
c) Mine Survey
d) Geological Survey
e) Archeological surveys

4. Classification based on instruments used
a) Chain survey
b) Compass survey
c) Plane table survey
d) Theodolite survey
e) Tacheometric survey
f) Triangulation survey
g) Ariel survey
h) Photogrametric survey

I hope it may help you during to rise your knowledge about the various types of surveying. For more information and engineering knowledge visit Engineering Care.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Aggregate processing plant

Aggregate processing plant

All over the world not only in one or two, three countries, we can see construction work related various items like buildings, bridge, culvert, etc for those aggregate processing plants are required. Then what is aggregate processing plant? Yes, aggregate processing consists of crushing, grading, washing and stock piling of aggregate and sand. Large processing plants comprises of primary crusher, scalping (primary) screen, washing system, secondary crusher, grading screens, belt conveyors, sand mills, sand screens, storage piles and reclaiming system.

Quarry  materials as recovered is delivered to the scalping screen where acceptable sizes of aggregate are separated, fines are removed, and oversize is passed on to the primary crusher. The crushed aggregate received from primary crusher is conveyed to the screens for grading the aggregates as required for concrete mix. Jets of water are directed over the screens, to produce clean aggregate which then moves to the grading screen. Water requirement is about 60 to 90 lits per min TPH capacity of the plant. Aggregates from stock piles is reclaimed through belt conveyors running under the stock piles in reclamation tunnel. It may also be reclaimed through skip buckets operated by hoist cable or by a grab.

Sand producing plants (some times known as sand crushers), consists of sand mills or crushers, dry screens, washers, conveyors and storage bins. Arrangements for removal of waste products from aggregate producing plants are also made.

Stairs and building

Stairs and building

In a building so many things are constructed during construction but stairs can't be forgotten because it's having different types of importance in the building during construction and after also. Then what is stair? Yes, a stair may be defined as a series of steps suitably arranged for the purpose of connecting different floors of a building. The enclosure containing the complete stairway is termed as "staircase".

Stirs may be made of from various materials like timber, stones, bricks, steel, plain concrete, or reinforced concrete. The selection of the type of materials to be used depends upon the aesthetical importance, durability desired, fire resisting qualities expected and, of course, the funds available.

 The location of stair in a building requires a careful consideration. In case of fire or any such calamity, stair provides the only means of communication, and as such, they are so located as to serve the purpose for which they are provided. In public building they should be located near the main entrance and in residential buildings is should be placed centrally so as to provide easy access from all the rooms and maintain privacy at the same time.

There are so many terms which are used in stairs such as step, tread, riser, flight, landing, nosing, flier, winders, newels, curtail step, balustrade, balusters, strings or stringers, head room or head way, spandrel, hand rail, etc.

Loads on buildings

Loads on buildings

For designing a safe and economical structure, it is necessary to ascertain with a fair degree of accuracy the various types of loads which are likely to act on the structure. The basic design loads to be assumed in the design of buildings as per IS 875-1964. The imposed loads including wind loads which are specified below are minimum working loads which should be taken into consideration for purpose of design. In the IS 875-1964 incidental loads during constructions and special cases of vibration such as moving machinery, heavy acceleration from cranes hoists and the like, have not been taken into consideration.

Now you can see the various types of loads explained as given below which may help you.

Dead load:
The dead load in a building shall comprise the weight of all walls, partitions, floors and roofs and shall include the weight of all other permanent constructions in the building. Loads due to partitions shall be assessed on the basis of the actual constructional details of the proposed partitions and their positioning in accordance with plans, and the loads thus assessed shall be include, in the dead load for the design of the floors and supporting structures. Where, however, the actual loads of the partitions cannot be assessed before hand, owing to lack of knowledge of the final positioning of the partitions, the floors and the supporting structures shall be designed to carry, in addition to other loads, a uniformly distributed load per square meter of not less than 33.33% of the weight per meter run of finished partitions over the entire floor area subjected to a minimum uniformly distributed load of 100 kg/sq.m in the case of floors used for office purposes.

No partition should be allowed to be erected which may effect, and, result in stresses greater than those allowed for, in the design as stated in the above paragraph.

Live load:
Live loads on floors of various types of buildings. Live loads on floors shall comprise all loads other than dead loads. While selecting a particular loading, consideration should be given to the possible change in occupancy and, consequently, in the purpose for which the floor may be used.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Different types of construction for multi storeyed buildings

Different types of construction for multi storeyed buildings

All of we want a very good and beautiful building but we should have idea about the construction because all of our desires related to building depends up on the types of construction. And when the matters come for multi storeyed buildings, in my opinion, in that condition the knowledge about types of construction is must important. So I am not going to promise that you will get all knowledge here but a few knowledge you can get here which may help you. There are various types of construction but specially for multi storeyed building the following four types of constructions can be adopted as given below:

1. Load bearing construction.
2. Composite construction.
3. R.C.C. framed construction and
4. Steel framed construction.

Fully load bearing constructions are suitable usually upon three storey heights only. Four to five storeyed constructions can be composite constructions, which consist of load bearing walls and interior framework. For still taller buildings, the only answer is the framed construction either with R.C.C. or with steel.

Steel framed constructions offer maximum economy in space and quicker progress of construction provided, availablity of steel in required quantity is assured. But for buildings of moderate height (5 to 6 floors) the difference in carpet area of R.C.C. framed type of construction is, however, much cheaper for building upto 7 or 8 storeys, the difference being 7.5% to 12.5%. This takes into consideration the encasing of structural framework in cement concrete for the purpose of protection against oxidation and corrosion as well as fire resistance. Structural theories have been evolved of stanchions and beams. If these theories are utilized the difference narrows down to the region of 5% to 7.5%. 

Further economy can be achieved by adopting weld joints. If welded joints of proper quality can be brought to use, the steel framed structure even for buildings of moderate heights will not be costlier than R.C.C. framed ones. For taller buildings exceeding 10 to 12 storeys, steel framed structure with welded joints is definitely cheaper, which has the additional advantage of being more flexible for additions either lateral or vertical, as well as quickness of completion.

Essentials of multi storeyed office buildings

Essentials of multi storeyed office buildings

All of we are staying or living in a building. I hope there is no any doubt for this. But now I am going to write about the essentials of multi-storeyed office buildings where daily all of we go to work. Specially in big cities, where pressure on land is too large due to rapid growth of industry and also due to greater trend towards urbanisation, vertical expansion is the only answer. This necessicitated the adoptation of multi storeyed construction. For office buildings in particular, multi storeyed buildings lead to greater co-ordination between various departments, and thus help in smooth and efficient functioning of the organization. General principles of planning and design are essentials for multi storeyed office buildings. Almost all these fundamentals are applicable for multi storeyed residential buildings also.

Principles of Surveying

Principles of Surveying

I hope you know very well about the surveying. Now you can know the principles of surveying which may help you to rise your knowledge and applied in the practical life i.e. real life. The fundamental principles upon which the various methods of plane surveying are based are of very simple nature and can be stated under the following two aspects as given below:

i) First Principal:
Location of a point by measurement from two reference points. Measurements from reference points may be both distances, both angles or one angle and one distance.

ii) Second Principal:
This method is based upon the fact that the whole area to be surveyed is first of all divided into small areas and lastly small areas are surveyed individually thus covering the whole of the concerned area. This method is stated as "working from whole to part".



Today I am going to talk about surveying. Surveying is most essential part of engineering technology. Specially for civil, electrical and such as others engineering without it, nothing is possible. So you can understand what is the value of surveying?

Yes, surveying is an art of making such measurements which will determine the relative positions of points on the surface of the earth in order that the shape and extent of any portion of the earth's surface may be ascertained and delineated on a map of plan. It is essentially a process of determining position of points in horizontal plane.

There are various types of surveying such as geodetic surveying, plane surveying, chain surveying etc. You can see a few explanation with definition of all surveying as given below, which may help you.

Geodetic Surveying:
It is also known as trigonometrical surveying. It is necessary to take into consideration the curvature of the earth, since large areas and distances are covered. Since the shape of the earth is spherical the line connecting any two points on the surface of the earth will be curved. All the lines in the surface of the earth will be curved lines and the triangles will be spherical triangles. This surveying is done when work of very high precision is required.

Plane Surveying:
In plane surveying the earth surface is assumed to be plane. All the lines and triangles will not be curved, but straight and plane triangles. This survey is done when too much precision is not required. In all engineering purposes this type of survey is generally conducted.

Chain Surveying:
In this method chain is used for survey. There are various types of chain surveying such as metric chain surveying, gunters chain, revenue chain etc.

Engineering Care

engineering care

Engineering is a big part of our life. Without engineering we can't imagine a very happy life. In the world a lot of engineers are there who are having different thinking and creativity of engineering. And those thoughts and creatives are providing a happy life to all in the world. So I think engineering is obviously most important and essential for our life.

You can see a lot of results of engineering like home, road, bridge etc. construction, vehicles, computer, software, cloths, metals, medical instruments, rockets, ships, etc. Any way there are various types of engineering according to the different thoughts and creatives.

But in my opinion something should be there to do at least something instead of more for all engineering and i.e. nothing than only two words which is known as Engineering Care.

Yes you are right. Engineering is having some responsibilities to take care, in this way who will take care about engineering i.e. Engineering Care.

So from today all of you can see the new and fresh Engineering Care articles, news etc on this blog which may help you to develop your knowledge and apply in your daily life to have some great matters.