
Monday 10 December 2012

Essentials of multi storeyed office buildings

Essentials of multi storeyed office buildings

All of we are staying or living in a building. I hope there is no any doubt for this. But now I am going to write about the essentials of multi-storeyed office buildings where daily all of we go to work. Specially in big cities, where pressure on land is too large due to rapid growth of industry and also due to greater trend towards urbanisation, vertical expansion is the only answer. This necessicitated the adoptation of multi storeyed construction. For office buildings in particular, multi storeyed buildings lead to greater co-ordination between various departments, and thus help in smooth and efficient functioning of the organization. General principles of planning and design are essentials for multi storeyed office buildings. Almost all these fundamentals are applicable for multi storeyed residential buildings also.

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