
Monday, 10 December 2012

Different types of construction for multi storeyed buildings

Different types of construction for multi storeyed buildings

All of we want a very good and beautiful building but we should have idea about the construction because all of our desires related to building depends up on the types of construction. And when the matters come for multi storeyed buildings, in my opinion, in that condition the knowledge about types of construction is must important. So I am not going to promise that you will get all knowledge here but a few knowledge you can get here which may help you. There are various types of construction but specially for multi storeyed building the following four types of constructions can be adopted as given below:

1. Load bearing construction.
2. Composite construction.
3. R.C.C. framed construction and
4. Steel framed construction.

Fully load bearing constructions are suitable usually upon three storey heights only. Four to five storeyed constructions can be composite constructions, which consist of load bearing walls and interior framework. For still taller buildings, the only answer is the framed construction either with R.C.C. or with steel.

Steel framed constructions offer maximum economy in space and quicker progress of construction provided, availablity of steel in required quantity is assured. But for buildings of moderate height (5 to 6 floors) the difference in carpet area of R.C.C. framed type of construction is, however, much cheaper for building upto 7 or 8 storeys, the difference being 7.5% to 12.5%. This takes into consideration the encasing of structural framework in cement concrete for the purpose of protection against oxidation and corrosion as well as fire resistance. Structural theories have been evolved of stanchions and beams. If these theories are utilized the difference narrows down to the region of 5% to 7.5%. 

Further economy can be achieved by adopting weld joints. If welded joints of proper quality can be brought to use, the steel framed structure even for buildings of moderate heights will not be costlier than R.C.C. framed ones. For taller buildings exceeding 10 to 12 storeys, steel framed structure with welded joints is definitely cheaper, which has the additional advantage of being more flexible for additions either lateral or vertical, as well as quickness of completion.

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